Greenhouse Flowers: How to Select, Grow and Care For Them



While growing vegetables is one of the most popular uses for a  greenhouse, they are ideal for growing flowers as well. Cultivating flowers in a greenhouse provides a wonderful opportunity to create a thriving and vibrant garden all year round. In this article, I’ll share valuable insights and suggestions on how to select and grow the perfect greenhouse flowers that will bloom beautifully under your care.


Benefits of Growing Greenhouse Flowers 


Greenhouse flower gardening offers a plethora of benefits that make it an attractive option for both beginners and experienced gardeners alike. One of the key advantages is the controlled environment a greenhouse provides. It allows you to manipulate factors like temperature, humidity, and light to create the ideal conditions for your flowers to flourish. This means you can enjoy your favorite blooms regardless of the season.


Choosing the Right Greenhouse


When starting with greenhouse flower gardening, selecting the right greenhouse is a crucial first step. There are various types of greenhouses available, from small hobby greenhouses to larger commercial structures. Consider factors like available space, budget, and the types of flowers you wish to grow. A well-chosen greenhouse will ensure your flowers thrive in a protected and nurturing environment.


Selecting the Right Varieties of Greenhouse Flowers


The selection of flower varieties plays a vital role in the success of your greenhouse garden. Some flowers are better suited for greenhouses than others. Take into account your local climate and the purpose of cultivation, whether it’s for personal enjoyment or commercial use. Roses, orchids, gerbera daisies, and chrysanthemums are just a few examples of popular greenhouse flowers that are sure to impress with their colors and fragrance.


Preparing the Greenhouse


Before you start planting, it’s essential to prepare your greenhouse properly. Cleaning and sanitizing the greenhouse is crucial to avoid the buildup of pests and diseases. Ensure proper ventilation and shading to regulate temperature and protect delicate flowers from extreme weather conditions.


Essential Growing Conditions


Maintaining the right growing conditions is paramount to the health and vigor of your greenhouse flowers. Monitor the temperature inside the greenhouse, aiming for the optimal range for the specific flowers you are cultivating. Humidity levels should also be carefully managed, as different flowers have varying humidity requirements. It might be a good idea to have varieties of flowers with similar temperature and humidity requirements. Adequate light is crucial for photosynthesis, so consider supplemental lighting during darker periods.


Choosing the Right Growing Medium


The choice of growing medium significantly impacts the root health and overall growth of your flowers. There are various options, including soil, perlite, vermiculite, and hydroponic systems. Whatever your choice, be sure that the medium provides good drainage and aeration to prevent waterlogging and root rot.


Watering and Feeding Your Greenhouse Flowers


Proper watering and feeding are essential for greenhouse flower cultivation. Overwatering can lead to root issues, while underwatering can stunt growth. Understand the specific water needs of each flower variety and water accordingly. Additionally, regular feeding with appropriate fertilizers ensures your flowers receive the essential nutrients they require to thrive.


Pest and Disease Management


Despite the controlled environment, greenhouses can still be susceptible to pests and diseases. Implement integrated pest management techniques to keep infestations in check. Identify common pests such as aphids, spider mites, millipedes, and whiteflies early and apply organic or chemical pest control measures as needed. Regularly inspect your flowers for signs of disease and take immediate action to prevent spreading.


Pruning and Training of Greenhouse Flowers


Pruning and training are essential horticultural practices that help maintain the shape and health of greenhouse flowers. Regular pruning removes dead or diseased parts and encourages new growth. Additionally, training your flowers to grow in a specific direction can improve aesthetics and flower production.


Monitoring Growth and Progress


Keep a close eye on your greenhouse flowers as they grow. Regular observation allows you to detect any issues early on and take corrective measures. Measure their growth rate, check for signs of nutrient deficiencies, and adjust growing conditions accordingly.


Troubleshooting Common Issues


Like any gardening endeavor, greenhouse flower growing can present challenges. Common issues include pests, diseases, nutrient imbalances, and environmental fluctuations. Be prepared to troubleshoot and address these issues promptly to ensure your flowers continue to thrive.


Harvesting and Post-Harvest Care of Greenhouse Flowers


The payoff of greenhouse flower gardening is when it’s time to harvest the blooms. Knowing the right time to harvest each flower variety is essential to enjoy their full splendor. Additionally, practice proper post-harvest care, including conditioning and arranging the flowers to ensure their longevity in bouquets or arrangements. Another option is to just leave them and just hang out in your greenhouse as a private oasis surrounded by flowers.




In conclusion, greenhouse flower gardening provides an incredible opportunity to surround  yourself in the world of colorful and fragrant blooms. By carefully selecting the right greenhouse, flower varieties, and providing optimal growing conditions, you can create a flourishing oasis all year round. Embrace the joys of greenhouse flower cultivation, and soon you’ll find yourself surrounded by nature’s most exquisite creations.




  1. Can I grow any type of flower in a greenhouse?

   Yes, you can grow a wide variety of flowers in a greenhouse, but some may be better suited for the controlled environment.


  1. Do I need to use pesticides in my greenhouse?

   While greenhouses offer some protection from pests, it’s advisable to implement pest management practices to ensure a healthy garden.


  1. What is the ideal temperature for greenhouse flowers?

   The ideal temperature varies depending on the flower varieties you are growing, but generally, it should be between 65°F to 75°F (18°C to 24°C).


  1. Can I start growing greenhouse flowers as a beginner?

   Absolutely! Greenhouse flower gardening can be enjoyed by gardeners of all levels of experience.


  1. How often should I water my greenhouse flowers?

   The watering frequency will depend on the specific flower species and the prevailing environmental conditions. There are good resources on the internet in the local library about the care of various flower types. In any case, monitor the soil moisture regularly and adjust your watering accordingly.

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James Fedor

I want to share knowledge and tips to make you a greenhouse expert, so you can reap the rewards of being able to grow your own herbs, flowers , fruits, or vegetables for fun or profit.

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